Monday, May 23, 2011

The Emotions Bounce Fast and Furious

I intend to get some background, etc. to bring everyone up to date on what happened, when, why, how, etc.  But....

In the beginning of this crisis I bounced back and forth between some extreme emotions that were quite conflicting.  As time went by, finally the bouncing was not so fast and painful, and making me crazy; it started slowing, and then it became less frequent.  When my emotions bounced, the "wrong" emotion or upsetting emotion was, did not last as long. 

I guess you could compare it to many amusement park rides, but it wasn't amusing.

Yesterday, I bounced the wrong way.  I let myself be manipulated.  I recognized it at the time, and should not have let it happen and CONTINUE the entire day (8:30am - 11:30pm).  I have learned from it.  I understand why I allowed myself to be manipulated.  I loved him for so many years, and it doesn't just go away.  There has been a period recently, where I didn't feel any love for him.  In fact, I would have to say that I would have more concern for a friend than him.  But, then of course, it's not something that goes away instantly and never slips back.  Sometimes just a little and other times, it's powerful.  When the powerful feelings hit....oh boy, is that a rough time.  The emotions I feel during those times is anxiety, fear, guilt, and a whole range of emotions...that don’t' feel good!

Fortunately, today I had my weekly counseling session.  I explained what had happened yesterday, short story of all the drama, and told her that I feel guilty for letting myself be manipulated.  I feel guilty for letting myself feel/care/love him.  She said that we had been together for about 19 years.  Those feelings don't go away that fast.  Then she told me she was glad (or relieved?) that I recognized that I was being manipulated.  She said something else, but the gist of it was that I had taken a step backward.  The good thing was that I knew it, and she didn't have to tell me.  So, I'd say that means I didn't take too many steps backward, and I can learn from this experience, and know how I am going to handle it if it happens again (and I'm sure it will - more on that later).

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